DIGITAL modes (MMVARI, Fldigi, WSJT-X...)

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MMVARI Engine embedded


In order to have the best possible interactivity, the MMVARI Engine is fully implemented in TRX-manager with a very efficient user-interface specifically written for TRX-Manager. The MMVARI engine, written by Makoto Mori JE3HHT, supports digital modes such as RTTY (Baudot), PSK (BPSK MFSK QPSK), GMSK... The MMVARI engine is included in the distribution package for TRX-Manager and installs automatically.

A true FSK/PSK Keying with a K3/KX3 is also supported. You only need one cable between the audio output of your transceiver and the audio input of your sound card for RX,  while for the transmission, the FSK/PSK Keying is done using the CAT commands.

MMVARI Module (TRX-Manager) 

Interface with Fldigi


TRX-Manager synchronizes with Fldigi using the XML RPC protocol (via Ethernet). Fldigi written by written by David Freese, W1HKJ, allows computer operation of almost all amateur radio digital modes. TRX-manager communicates with Fldigi to set the current frequency and mode of a digital spot and to retrieve the current logging information. TRX-Manager also offers some specific functions such as automatic re-alignement SSB/FSK, automatic adjustement of RF Power, macro-commands for RX/TX...

Interface with Fldigi

JT65HB9HQX, HAMSCOPE support TRX-Manager


HAMSCOPE and JT-65 HB9HQX's software support TRX-Manager using its embedded OLE Interface (share the logbook and the control of the radio).

Interface with WSJT-X


WSJT-X (V1.9.0) supports TRX-Manager and TRX-Manager supports the WSJT-X's UDP broadcasts for logging and band activity.

Interface with WSJT-X

Interface with MULTIPSK


TRX-Manager synchronizes with MULTIPSK using the TCP/IP Protocol (via Ethernet). MULTIPSK is a very comprehensive software written by Patrick F6CTE which supports an impressive number of digital modes including SSTV and many professional modes not available with any other software.

TRX-manager communicates with MULTIPSK to set the current frequency and mode to share the current logging information. TRX-Manager also offers some specific functions such as automatic re-alignement SSB/FSK, automatic adjustement of RF Power, macro-commands for RX/TX...

Interface with MULTIPSK