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Virtual (Main) transceiver


The software allows full monitoring of programmable functions. Please note some differences depending on the transceiver you are using... For some of the most recent Transceivers, extended controls are also supported (Volume, DSP, Keyer...).

Monitoring window is complemented by the Levels window

Up to 4 Transceivers at the same time


TRX-Manager can control four radios at the same time: one Main Transceiver (Monitoring) with a comprehensive control and three Sub-Transceivers (*). TRX-Manager also provides and extensive support for SO2R/SO4R mode (Single Operator Four Radios) making possible logging/spotting with any of the four radios and switching external accessories via the parallel port.

(*) Not all radios can be controlled as Sub-Transceiver (see documentation). Sub-Transceivers have limited (but essential) support.

Main features (Monitoring)


  • Comprehensive scanning and tuning methods (Dial, Slider, Mouse-clicks, Mouse-Wheel, Keypad, support for Joystick and USB Knob)
  • Extensive support for SO2R/SO4R (4 transceivers at the same time)
  • Automatic mode/filter control thanks to a comprehensive band plan for 3 Regions (editable)
  • Ability to attach information for each frequency or channel (name, callsign etc)
  • Band stack register (*), Quick memories (*)
  • Easy QSY and split operation (QSX)
  • Undo Redo QSY (up to 10 QSYs)
  • Extended controls : PBT, AF, DSP... control if available
  • Automatic identification of the 15 last visited spots
  • S-meter + analyse v.s time analysis, Multi-Meter

(*) not related to the transceiver's internal memories or registers


Recent rigs offer a wide variety of controls via computer. In addition to the Monitoring window which allows controlling the most important parameters, a "Levels" window is provided and allows support of the current parameters (RF/AF Gain, IF Shift, Bandwitdths, Noise Reduction...). More commands can be supported using macros. Below are some screenshots taken for various transceivers.

YAESU FT-5000/1200/3000/950/2000/450... but also TenTec rigs...


Layout differs according to the transceivers supported

More than 100 functions are supported
including direct keying (CW), PCT, PKT, Sub RX...

ICOM: IC-746/756PRO/7600/PRO2/910/7800/9100/7100IC-R75.. 


AF, PBT, IF Shift control, Keyer, NR...
Memory channel labels ar




Emulation of the K2's front panel



K3/KX3 "Levels" panel and additional functions below

K3/KX3 : Support for DATA Text mode
(PSK/FSK/CW Terminal, no sound card required)

K3/KX3 : TX/RX Graphic Equalizer

TRX-Pan: Panoramic display (IF Output + Quadrature SDR). More about TRX-Pan here

Virtual front panels for K3, KX3, KPA500