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The documentation is large (~ 400 pages) and demands a little effort... However, the HELP answers most of the problems and questions (~99%!). If you don't find immediately the related topic to your question and even if you think such question can not be answered in the help (it may be not obvious), please try typing a Keyword in INDEX or using the FULL TEXT SEARCH function. You will be amazed how the help is comprehensive! If you are wishing to print the documentation, please use the
PDF file. Otherwise, for just browsing the help or a quick search,
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The section below summarizes all the problems (rare or frequent) encountered during the installation or the use of TRX-Manager. CONFIGURING AND USING TRX-MANAGER Exit the program and delete the Toolbar directory (in the TRX-Manager folder) and restart the program. There is an incompatibility
with certain video drivers. If an updated video driver doesn't
solve the problem then please process as follows : It is possible some of the buttons are not visible because the corresponding window is too small: please just enlarge the window with your mouse in order to display the toolbars entirely. In case of - by accident - you have duplicate entries in your logbook, just download duplicate.zip and after unzip, run Duplicate.exe. WARNING: Make sure to backup your logbook before your run Duplicate.exe ! A common problem may be coming from your Windows settings : TRX-Manager strictly uses the standard Windows 95/98 interface : if you encounter a problem entering a frequency with a decimal separator such as 0.125 or 0,125 or if you get an incorrect azimuth indication please check your Regional Settings in the Control Panel under Numbers. You have to use the same separator as the separator defined for Windows. It is best to use the period (.) as the decimal separator. It may be however that on certain international versions of Windows, this choice gives an incorrect operation : in this case choose the comma (,). At last the digit grouping symbol must be a blank (space). Dates and Times are displayed according to the format defined for Windows : please set these preferences from the Windows's Regional Settings Panel (Date and Time property pages).
From the TRX-Manager's Preferences, under CD-Rom tab, you have to fill in the Drive and the Path for the RAC's Database. Please enter : - DATA
if your installation requires the CD (the database is not installed
on HD) TRX-Manager supports up to six language (English, German, French, Polish, Swedish, Spanish). When you install TRX-Manager, the script selects the default language by default (the one used by your Windows Operating System). If the language is wrong or in case of you need an other language, it is possible to change the language from the "Preferences/Software" dialog box. If you don't understand the selected language, please run this little application to change the language TRX-Lang.exe. WinRotor uses a DDE interface to communicate with TRX-Manager. In some cases this interface may not run properly when the monitoring is active. I wrote this little program (DDERotor) as an additional interface between TRX-Manager. Set TRX-Manager for WinRoror and set WinRotor for DDERotor (Universal DDE). ERROR MESSAGES You get this message if you try to update an unregistered version of TRX-Manager. In some rare cases, your registration may have been be erased. You need to install or reinstall the commercial version of the program and to register it by entering your personal registration code into the Parameters/Registration dialog box (see Reinstallation of TRX-Manager). For any other problem related
to your registration, please ask for a support to the author at
: Under certain conditions TRX-Manager fails to access the registry under Windows XP. When the program is started a modal dialog box appears with the following message: Run-time error '5': Invalid procedure call or argument. You have no choice but to enter OK and the program terminates. You may avoid this problem by running the program as the Administrator. However, you do not have to Log In as the Administrator; you can continue to use your familiar login but instead of launching TRX-Manager from the START Menu try launching TRX-Manager from a command-line using the RUNAS command as follows : runas /savecred /user:administrator "c:\Program Files\TRX-Manager\TRX-Manager.exe" You can try this using START -> RUN. In the Open field paste the command shown above (Be certain to specify YOUR path. This can be found in the properties box for TRX-MANAGER on the Start Menu). Once you are satisfied that this works you should create a command file (TRX-Manager.cmd) containing that command line. Simply use notepad and save the file as TRX-Manager.cmd. Place the command file on your desktop. Alternately, you put the command file in a directory (folder) in your command PATH, then you can launch it from the START button with the RUN command; e.g.; START .-> RUN ->TRX-Manager. For brevity I named mine trx.cmd. Of course you can also place a shortcut on the PROGRAM Menu adjacent to the one supplied with the installation. The first time you launch the program using the runas command you will be prompted for the administrator's password. Subsequent invocations do not require the password. This error is caused by a third party control incompatible with TRX-Manager. It generally occurs after the installation of an other software. In principle, this should not occur but... Generally, it is enough to reinstall TRX-Manager but, not always as explained below. A known binary incompatibity is related to different versions of SCOMM32.OCX (it is distributed with PSTROTATOR. PSTROTATOR is NOT faulty but only the manufacturer of the control who does not guaranty the binary compatibility of the different releases.) Any reference to this control has been removed from TRX-Manager since V 5.5.4. However, if you reinstall a previous version of TRX-Manager, this incompatibility may happen. The resolution consists to delete SCOMM32.OCX from your Windows\system32 or Windows\SysWOW64 prior to the reinstallation of TRX-Manager. An Out of Memory error does not necessarily mean the application has run out of memory. It is possible for any application to return this generic error because it cannot determine a more appropriate error. Generally this happens if not compatible files with your system have been installed. Please try to remember all the program recently installed. See also Incompatibilities, Parameters 6 error, Automation error.In case of a crash during the setup process please make sure to exit all software (anti-viral software included). This crash often occurs because the setup program can't update the DLL loaded in memory by other software's. Please note that 8Mb RAM is the minimal requirement. You then receive an error message of the type " Setup fails to register... ". This message appears because certain of your system files are out-of-date and incompatible with those necessary for the installation of the program. In theory this problem should not occur if your version of Windows is higher than 95 + SP1. In certain cases, a system file may be failing to register because the file may be locked (in use) at the time of file transfer. Files that commonly have this problem should be registered upon reboot of the system. These problems can occur with the first launching of the program but in general after the installation of another program which crushes the system files by older versions. That should not occur but the experiment proves the opposite. This incompatibility exists because some of the software installed are using different version of some DLL or OCX (shared programs used by other software). You may also come across the same incompatibility with any VB/VC software. It is générally enough to reinstall TRX-Manager. The program displays "INFO.DAT not found...." This problem may occur after an update the program if the new TRX-Manager.exe file is not installed to its initial installation folder. It can also occur if you create a shortcut for the program with the wrong startup directory. The remedy is to place the exe file (TRX-Manager.exe) in its initial installation folder or to modify the shortcut's properties (to go to the correct directory). In the worst case, if certain files used for the initialisation of the program were removed by error, it will be necessary for you to reinstall the program to the folder where your previous version was installed. Please try to reduce the number of program running in background. Please try also to switch Windows into 16 bits color mode : if that fixes the problem, an update of your video driver to the latest may be helpful. This problem is frequent with ATI video cards ; you may update your ATI Driver from http://www.ati.com/support/drivers/powered.html This error happens because the MS Jet 3.51 database engine's DLLs on your computer are mismatched. TRX-Manager uses the MS Jet 3.50 version. It works fine with the 3.51 version (or later) but some programs feature a wrong installation package with mismatched DLLs. Although a reinstallation of TRX-Manager (after deleting DAO350.DLL and VABJet32.dll) may be enough to solve the problem, I have built a special Install pack that forces the reinstallation of all files of the MS JET database engine JET35.exe (MS Jet 3.5). You have to download JET35.exe and install it on you computer. For information, JET35 "forces" installation (ignores the existing version) of these files :
Under Windows 95/98, you receive
this message : -2147023067
(80070725) : Automation error. This problem occurs if the OLE
Automation system files for Windows XP are installed instead of the redistributable versions
that come with Microsoft Visual Basic (required for TRX-Manager under Win 9.X).
This may have been caused by the installation of an other application
which does not check for the platform before its installation...
The important characteristics are that the first three OLE Automation system files have the same build numbers, and that the Windows XP version of Oleaut32.dll starts with 3.50 instead of 2.40. To solve this problem, you must reinstall the OLE automation files. I have build a repair tool to help you in this process. Please download oleautomation.zip (1Mb), unzip and run Setup (Windows 9.X ONLY !). It is important you reboot your computer after the installation. See also the Microsoft Knowledge
database for more information (keyword kbAutomation).
Lastly, contact the software vendor of
the other application to obtain the correct Setup program for your
operating system. When you launch TRX-Manager and open any database or an external file, the system prompts and search for an MSI file or you get an error from the Windows Installer. This problem occurs because the Windows Installer did not ended its last session properly. To solve the problem, you must clean up the registry using the tool provided by Microsoft or restore your system to a earlier point in time. It is sometime difficult to fix this problem. During installation of TRX-Manager, you receive this message : C:\Windows\System32\Autoexec.nt The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application. This issue may occur if one or more of the following files are missing or damaged: Config.nt, Autoexec.nt, Command.com. You must restore using the utilities provided with you system. For more information, please see here : http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;324767 TRX-manager uses the ChikatAX DLL Active X for many Internet related functions. Unfortunately, the author of this DLL does not ensure a backward compatibility between the various versions of this DLL. Since V4.7.8 TRX-manager checks for the version of the registered DLL and prompts a warning in case of a mismatch which avoids a crash. To fix this problem you can copy the ChilkatAx-9.5.0-win32.dll from the TRX-manager's program folder to the System32 (32 bit systems) or SysWOW64 (64 bit systems). You need the administrator rights to perform this operation. An other solution is to reinstall the last TRX-manager patch which forces the installation of the required version. TRX-Manager crashes (shuts down) when you open these windows : WebCluster, Terminal, DX Spots DB, Favorites, WSJTX... This (rare) crash is caused by the Data Execution Prevention technology (DEP) included in Windows since about 2003. In some (random) cases DEP (which is performed on the hardware level by the CPU) can classify TRX-Manager (in fact one of its dependencies) as malicious code and crash TRX-Manager. This may happen with many software compiled in 32 bits. This false detection can not be fixed in TRX-Manager itself. However, it is possible to disable DEP for TRX-Manager.1) Since TRX-Manager V 6.3.8, TRX-Manager can detect this crash and displays a warning and a link to this section. Also, an exception for TRX-Manager and DEP is added by the setup engine to your user profile (this compatibility mode only applies to the current profile and does not appear in the system panel). If you are using an older version, please update to 6.3.8 first. If it still happens, you can apply the fix described below (2) or (3). 2) If you are using a version prior to 6.3.8 or the DEP compatibility mode (included since V6.3.8) does not work for you, you can add an exception as follow:- Open the Windows (System) control panel (Click Start, type
control panel, and click Control Panel to open it). 3) If, despite the fix (2), you are still experimenting a crash, you can delete the exception for TRX-Manager and create a new one. You may also activate DEP for Windows service only. Please note DEP is an old technology conceived +20 years ago and is about inefficient to protect your computer. Disabling DEP for all programs except Windows services should not cause problems. More information: How to Disable DEP (Data Execution Prevention) Windows 10 (minitool.com) SERIAL PORTS Please check your Transceiver and interface are turned ON ! From the File menu, check you are using the right transceiver (TRX1 TRX2 TRX3 TRX4). The com port OFF function may be confusing : its purpose is to close a com port from TRX-Manager (without shutting it down) to open an other program with this com port. This function should not be used if the communication is not properly working ; however, if the port is closed, an explicit COMM OFF message is displayed in the Monitoring. Also, whatever the state of this function when you exit TRX-Manager, the com port is always activated when you start TRX-Manager. The old transceivers (prior to year 2005) and ICOM may require an RS232/TTL interface between the transceiver and the com port. This interface is no longer required with recents Kenwood, Yaesu transceivers and now most Icom provides both a TTL and USB output : If your transceiver is provided with an RS232 ouput (generally DB9) you only need a cable and a free com port and eventually an RS232/USB interface. Please see more information about the USB interface below. A faulty RS232/TTL interface is (was) something frequent (especially with the old Yaesu rigs). About the RS232/TTL interface, we recommend the use of the : - FIF232C (Yaesu) In some cases you may have to program your RS232/TTL interface or to wire it. Please note that you may control your serial data line with help of the CAT Commands window. Generally default settings are fine except Speed (specific for each setup) and DTR (required to power on your RS232/TTL interface like the LCU-3). On the other hand, the RTS Enabled check box (Setup) must be usually checked with Kenwood (but only for speed above 4800bds) and TenTec rigs. The documentation of the program recommend the best settings for each brand. CAT of the PTT frame is checked to enable TX switching via CAT commands. Consequently, the DTR and RTS check boxes of the PTT frame must be usually unchecked except if you use one of theses lines for switching Transmit/Receive. If you don't know how to use the TX Interrupt feature, please let the TX Interrupt Enabled check box NOT checked. The other options should be kept as defined by the program when you select the transceiver from the combo box or see the documentation for more information. Check that the Setup's speed is the same as that definite for your transceiver; if necessary, try to decrease or increase this speed : the Kenwood transceivers function better at high speed ; the ICOM are fine at 19200. The documentation of the program recommend the best speed for each brand. If you are using an ICOM, please check from the Transceiver's menu that : - TRANSCEIVE function is
ON (CdE on TenTec) Note that unlike most other transceivers, the FT-847 serial data cable is a null modem (crossed) type, not a straight serial data cable. The FT-847's microprocessor uses the same "com port" to exchange data with the FC-20, CAT programs and a clone transceiver... thus this transceiver doesn't allow you to simultaneously use the FC-20 antenna tuner and the CAT system ! It is not the fault of the programmer... Please make sure of the transceiver's ADDRESS. Set AUTO-SPEED function of the radio as OFF and set the speed from the transceiver to the highest available value; however some models may not run properly at the maximum available speed (19200) : in that case, 9600 is preferable. TRANSCEIVE function must be set as ON. When the transceive function is ON, any changes in the operating frequency or mode on the radio is automatically transferred to the computer. Setting methods differ according to radios. Refer to instruction manual of each radio. Make sure CI-V 731 MODE is set as OFF (except for IC-735 and TenTec). Note about RS-746 Interface : it is powered by the computer via the RTS Line. Make sure to check RTS under Setup/TRX1. This little utility allows you testing the communication with your Kenwood (VB/VC runtime or TRX-Manager required) : TestKenwood.zip (10K) When you start TRX-Manager, you may receive a message indicating the "com port already open". Since it is labelled by the system, it is right !... Unfortunately, the system does not tell you the cause. This situation may occur if : - an other program is using
the same com port (including software in background physically connected
OR NOT to any device like a modem, a FAX or a PDA...) Test your device (Transceiver, TNC...) with another program. Check the com port has not been disabled by the Bios program (see above) and/or the com port has not changed (which is always possible with RS232/USB adapaters). See also : DEP Error In some cases, especially on 160m, 80m, 40m at high output power, you may have a communication error when transmitting. This is caused by Radio Frequency Interference's (RFI) between your rig and your PC. You should find a hardware solution (see any Handbook) but please note this is a minor inconvenient : TRX-Manager has been written to automatically resumes any communication error (except the first one !). Most problems are coming from a wrong speed (Setup) or from a wrong mode (TRX-Manager doesn't support any Host mode). Read carefully the manual of your TNC ... Try to increase the speed to the maximum available value. It is a solution of the last chance but which can be very efficient. However, you do not launch in this operation if you don't know how to configure a serial port. You will have : - to remove the defective
serial port from the device manager While a com port on the mother card using an unique IRQ is always preferable, USB/Serial converters are supported for CAT control: to set up TRX-Manager, you have to check from the Device Manager for the com port number that has been created (Com number may be different depending on which USB device is connected to your computer). In principle, RTS/DTR/CTS/CTS pins (required for CW/PTT keying or by some serial protocols) should be supported by USB Drivers but not always properly: in some (rare) cases, the cable is not even wired for these lines ! RS232/USB CONVERTERS BUILT WITH FTDI CHIPS ARE STRONGLY RECOMMENDED (http://www.ftdichip.com/). See also: http://wa8lmf.net/ham/USB-Serial-Dongles.htm and some notes about USB Ports. Under WINDOWS VISTA/7/8 the PROLIFIC adapters are prone to malfunctions with TRX-manager and all applications using MSCOMM32.OCX. Some applications may run (with latencies or only in one direction) while some others not at all... This situation may come from a fake Prolific driver not supported by the manufacturer (who writes the driver). In such case, under Windows 10, these "old" adapters do not work at all. Given the many problems encountered with PROLIFIC adapters, their use is not recommended with TRX-Manager and not supported. See also: http://wa8lmf.net/ham/USB-Serial-Dongles.htm Windows does not allow sharing com ports. However, several methods exist to share a port : 1) The best way to synchronize
TRX-Manager and any device (an amplifier...) or any software (a
logging program, PowerSDR-IF...) which requires CAT data is
the TRX-Manager's
SYNCHRO mode: TRX-Manager will behave like a Kenwood or
ICOM transceiver on its synchro ports (TRX-Manager provides TWO synchro ports).
Synchro mode requires either a null-modem cable
and two free serial ports or a "pair" of virtual ports
created by a serial port emulator (like Eterlogic's
VSPE). Please see for more information in the
HELP under SYNCHRONIZATION. Even if the manufacturers provide USB ports for computer control, understand that all rigs available as of today (2016) use the RS232 protocol for CAT control by computer. In fact, even if your rig provides a USB port, it creates a virtual com port and your favourite programs communicate with your transceiver using the RS232 protocol at standard speeds, certainly not taking advantage of USB-2-3 speed. Selecting a radio because it provides computer control through an USB port is a nonsense, because this USB port does not give any advantage over an RS232 port and your programs (whatever) do not see the USB port, they only see the virtual RS232 port. In addition, when you upgrade your computer, since you can not upgrade the chip inside the radio, you become dependent on third party manufacturers -- not the manufacturer of the rig but the manufacturer of the chip! A USB driver is system dependent, and consequently requires frequent updates. A radio purchased in 2016 may become obsolete in 2020 if Microsoft decides to change the core of the system and/or manufacturers have no time, money, or desire to re-write the driver. Unlike a USB port, an RS232 port is not dependent on the operating system you use. If you need USB capability, an inexpensive external USB=>RS232 adapter (about $25) gives the same service but with more flexibility in case of you upgrade your computer. If, in the future, drivers become unavailable, simply buy a new USB adapter. Many USB=>RS232 adapters are not 100% compatible with the RS-232 standard and do not work reliably. If you have to use a USB adapter, I recommend devices using the FTDI chipset, such as those sold by PDA. They are 100% RS-232 compatible, and have very stable driver programming that will not be crashing your system all the time. So far, FTDI has been good about updating their drivers when new versions of Windows come out. Of course if the USB port on your rig provides a digital output (data and audio) in addition to the CAT port, this is a good thing. However, I recommend you make sure it still has a classic RS232 or TTL port for CAT Control. Two other drawbacks of the USB/RS232 interface: 0) Built-in obsolescence by design... 1) USB interface produce RF Noise... So In practice, in the HAM shack, it is always preferable to connect your radio using its RS232 port and a real RS232 port on your computer: the one on the motherboard (*) or an additional COM Port using a PCI based serial communication card. 2) If the USB interface is integrated to the Transceiver, you have to power up the transceiver before starting a Logging or a CAT program. If this USB interface is not powered up, the virtual com port does not exist on the computer and your software locks up. Of course, I, as a developer, am ready to code for real USB-2-3 drivers (programming may be even easier!). But as of now, such real-USB drivers do not exist and, personally, I don't think it would be an improvement: I certainly will not select a radio with only a USB port. A transceiver is not a webcam (see how a webcam behaves after each windows update...): a ham transceiver is an expensive device with 10 to 15 years or more of expected life span and we are expecting that it is not designed for built-in obsolescence. If you are not convinced, please try running an ICOM IC-PCR1500 under Windows Vista or Windows 7/8 : it will not run! However I agree that RS232 protocol is somewhat obsolete today and USB, as currently implemented, emulating RS-232 ports, is certainly not the ideal solution for "CAT" control. My suggestion to the manufacturers is to implement TCP/IP servers. Such servers are not "system dependent", and offer a friendly access to the menus and parameters of the rig using any browser, any system without any risk of becoming obsolete. TCP/IP servers are perfectly compatible with very high-speed communications and they have a bonus by making much easier remote control via the Internet, etc... Inexpensive integrated circuits already exist since a decade and are used in various professional equipment and especially modems. Until now, to my knowledge, only the TenTec's Omni 7, the TS-990 and some professional equipment (like CODAN NGT) provide TC/IP servers (with or without web access). See also: http://wa8lmf.net/ham/USB-Serial-Dongles.htm (*) Despite the fact that most computers are delivered without any com port today, most of the motherboards provide a serial-port header. You have to connect a bracket with one or two com ports that occupies a slot space on the back of the case. SYSTEMS To run this software, you may have to update your version of Windows. TRX-Manager can be installed on the following systems : - Windows Vista SP1, It may work but it is no more supported under: Windows 95-SP1, 95 OSR 2/2.5, 98 98SE ME, Windows NT 4, XP, 2000. The problem is more with the installer (Inno Setup) than with the program itself (TRX-Manager). In case of serious problem,
reinstalling TRX-Manager is a good solution. Please be sure to backup
your log file (TRX-Log.mdb by default), your other personal files
you may have created (*.mem *.swl, the dx-map...) and to uninstall
any previous version from your computer. Please reinstall the registered
version using the file delivered just after your purchase (V5.X)
or your CD (old V4.X). To upgrade to the current version of TRX-Manager, please take care to install the new version (or the upgrade) to the folder where your previous version was installed. Please note the demo version available on this site does not allow to enter a registration code. Some incompatibilities have been reported with : - Norton Clean Sweep (but
reinstalling DOA350.DLL cures the problem)
Since windows 10 and windows 11, your system may be set up - by default - to use the Beta Unicode UTF-8 for global language support option. TRX-Manager (and many other programs of this generation) requires an ANSI codepage (256 characters) and is NOT compatible with the extended UTF-8 extended codepage. You have to disable this option to use TRX-Manager. To disable this option :
==> If the program is not yet registered, you should reinstall it because crucial information may have been corrupted by this option during the first installation.
Depuis Windows 10 et 11, votre système peut être configuré, par défaut, pour utiliser l'option BETA Utiliser le format unicode UTF-8 pour une prise en charge des langues à une échelle mondiale. TRX-Manager comme beaucoup de logiciels de cette génération requiert une page de code ANSI 256 caractères et n'est pas compatible avec cette option. Vous devez désactiver cette option comme suit :
==> Si le programme n'est pas encore enregistré, vous devez le réinstaller car il est possible que des informations cruciales aient été corrompues par cette option lors de la première installation The software functions properly under Windows ME. However, this operating system leaves the DTR and RTS lines of the com ports in a high state at each startup. This is important to know for it can cause an unpleasant effect on the CW and PTT lines at the startup of the PC ! Running TRX-Manager and opening the concerned modules will set the DTR and RTS lines to the state required by TRX. In certain cases this problem could lock up the RS-232 interface(s) when starting your PC. A little program (ComFix.exe) has been written to allows you to set Windows ME to counter this defect (TRX-Manager or the VB/VC run-times are required). If you own a CD of TRX-Manager
V 2.2.6
or later, it is compatible
with Win 2000 and Win XP.
0) USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT VISTA/7/8 (and UAC = User Account Control): Please note the difference between an "administrator account" and the "run as administrator" option. By design (but far from beeing clear in the documentation), an "administrator account" does not give you full control (so called "elevated administrator rights") on Vista/7/8. In fact an administrator account gives you the right to run a software "as administrator" or to set OFF UAC. To get elevated rights for a software, you have to set OFF UAC or - if UAC = ON - to run the corresponding software "as administrator" by checking the corresponding option in the compatibility tab; in the latter case you will have a prompt for confirmation each time you run this executable. In fact UAC = OFF and the "RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR" option give you the same "elevated rights"... and you can do that only and because you have an "administrator account" !.. In conclusion, the "run as administrator" option is confusing. It shoud be labelled "run with elevated rights". 1) INSTALLING TRX-MANAGER V5.X ON VISTA/7/8 TRX-Manager V5.X is fully compatible with these current Windows OS. There is no specific tip. All data created and used by TRX-manager are located in the "AppData\... sub folders (as recommended by MS). TRX-Tools.exe allows browsing the various folders used by TRX-manager. 2) INSTALLING TRX-MANAGER V4.X ON VISTA/7/8 TRX-Manager V4.X supports Windows VISTA and Windows 7/8 32 or 64 bit. Please follow these tips: 1.0 UAC: It is highly recommended you set UAC OFF (VISTA=OFF, W7/8=NEVER NOTIFY) for installation (and registration) of TRX-Manager. 1.1 Running SETUP:
Installing TRX-Manager on Vista/7/8 requires elevated administrator
rights (you will be prompted for permission). 1.5 Possible issues for CD versions prior
to V 4.1.2 3) RUNNING TRX-MANAGER V4.X ON VISTA/7/8 TRX-Manager is compatible with Vista/7/8. So please DO NOT use WIN98 or WINXP compatibility modes since TRX-Manager will certainly not work properly. In the Compatibility tab for TRX-Manager.exe, you have to keep this option NOT checked. If somethings does not run properly, please be sure "Compatiblity" checked introduces very serious and unpredictable issues... Running TRX-Manager only requires a restricted token (normal administrator) on Vista/7/8 BUT while having FULL CONTROL on the TRX-Manager's folder and subfolders (by default on Vista/7/8 Program Files subfolders are READ ONLY). UAC=OFF all the time gives you (by default) all rights on Program files folders but is not recommended by Microsoft (*). Consequently, you may keep UAC ON and leave "run as administrator" NOT checked provided you do have full control (read/write rights) on the TRX-Manager's folder and subfolders. (*) UAC ON is required to run IE in safe mode. 4) AERO INTERFACE Of course running TRX-Manager under the Aero interface is possible. It is however possible you notice "not frequently used" items of the menus appear black. The work around is simple: please just define any color of your choice for 3D Objects and Menus in Windows (Appearance). 5) TRX-Manager V2.X and V3.X TRX-Manager's (V2.X or V3.X) Installer (Installshield) and Help System are NOT compatible with Vista/7/8. Installation may be very difficult and result erratic. It is NOT recommended. No support can be provided on VISTA/7/8 for any version of TRX-Manager prior to V 4.0.0. TRX-Manager is compatible with Windows 10. If you upgrade your system (from W7 W8) to Windows 10, your registration may be deleted by the new system (prior to TRX-Manager V5.5.4). You only have to reinstall TRX-Manager ON TOP of your current copy using the file (SETUP_TRX5_XXXXX) delivered by the dealer just after your purchase (this file is labelled SETUP_TRX5_XXXXX, your password is required to run Setup). Please do NOT uninstall TRX-Manager before reinstalling the registered version. Don't worry about your settings and files. The reinstallation process preserves absolutely all your settings and personal files. After the installation is completed, don't forget to "register" using the Parameters/Registration submenu (NO code is required to register). If you use TRX-Manager V5.5.4 (or later) this problem should not occur. Consequently, before you upgrade Windows, please update TRX-Manager. Prior to CD Version 4.5.5 TRX-Manager used the Program Files folder as the default folder; this old scheme does not comply with the current specifications of Windows, especially if UAC is set to ON. Since CD V 4.5.5 (not patched versions), all new installations use : \AppData\Local\TRX-Manager as the default folder for all personal files (you may backup this
folder for reinstallation) In this case, TRX-Manager never writes to the program files folder.
You may browse AppData\Local\TRX-Manager from the
Parameters\Browse submenu. TRX-Tools.exe
(distributed with TRX-Manager) lets you browse all the folders that TRX-Manager
uses. Important notes if you switch to the new folders structure: - You are not required to switch to the new folders
structure! Since Windows 8/10 it is no more possible to customize the color settings of the system-level display of Windows and consequently, no more possible to adjust some of the colors in TRX-Manager. A little free utility Classic Color Panel restores this possibility, with some limitations. Most of the other colors are configurable under TRX-Manager itself.