. V 6.4.0 (2025/01/08)
- IOTA datebase : new
version of the IOTA database, please update your database
. V 6.3.9 (2024/11/05)
- Criticial warning at startup if UTF-8 extended codepage is selected
- ACOM amplifiers: firmware version error (fix)
. V 6.3.8 (2024/07/28)
- Upgrade of the CHILKAT component (now current version)
- Support for Yaesu
- Automatic warning in case of a trip of the DEP function of
- DEP exception for TRX-Manager added to your user profile (only)
during installation
. V 6.3.7 (2024/06/12)
- Minor cosmetic changes
- IMPORTANT UPDATE for CHILKAT component (otherwise errors...).
.V 6.3.6 (2024/05/12)
- Elecraft K3: resumes the extended mode (K31) automatically
- DXCC Window: automatic update of the special callsigns
database from ClubLOG, new CLUBLOG module
- Update of the Prefix database for
N5J (Jarvis) and 3G0YA
- KPA500, LA-1K amplifiers: fix for the OPER mode
. V 6.3.5 (2024/04/11)
- Prefix database updated for all TAAF islands (French Austral &
Antarctic Islands)
- Spots : filtering by datamode failing sometime
- Rotator control (IDIOM press) : changes in
the protocol
. V 6.3.4 (2024/03/16)
- Tuning Knob Scanning : customized steps for SSB/CW
- link with the RSGB IOTA database
has been restored + new functions
. V 6.3.3 (2024/03/06)
- Automode : fix for backlash
- New
AutoLog function (preferences Logbook)
- Support for iWIT
USB volume control knobs
- Elecraft K4/P3/PX3
: display of reference level in dBHz, P3/PX3 adjustment of the reference level
according to the span set from TRX-Manager
- SteppIR : Feedback delay improved
- Prefix database
- Acom new functions ATU/COM, support for
ACOM500S, ACOM2020S, Auto Operate/Standby by band.
- Acom (S), KPA500, Palstar LA1K: Warning for excessive power input in the
Monitoring (Setup/Synchro A), new option + auto-amp
(Preferences/Rig/Rotator... misc) NOW distinct from
auto-parameters. See also Band
- TRXNET(with Elecraft K4) fix for HAMLIB/WSJTX
- KPA500 : Warning for
excessive PA dissipation
. V 6.3.2 (2024/01/19)
- Spots : filtering by Mode updated, Log filter does not exclude your own
- Prefix database updated
- IC-7610/7300/R8600/9700/7850/705 : set
Date/Time (ICOM Levels window)
- FT-736 : band
buttons for V/UHF
- Support for THETIS (SDR)
. V 6.3.0 (2023/11/06)
- KPA500 : Display of dissipated power
- K4 : Fix for the K4GAIN function
Minor fixes
. V 6.2.0 (2023/03/11)
- Elecraft : Support for K4 (levels window to be
implemented), P3/PX3/K4 : Auto Span mode
- CW
Keyer : Design revisited + support for the internal Elecraft decoder.
. V 6.1.9 (2023/02/08)
- ClubLog : URL updated, Log Search within a
DX Log
- Support for K-Pod (can be used with almost
all transceivers)
. V 6.1.8 (2023/01/10)
- Prefix database updated
- TS-590S/SG : new functions
. V 6.1.7 (2022/12/22)
- Auto QSX (DX Spots) : Default value fixed (CW=+1, SSB=+5)
- Elecraft (Monitoring) : TT Switch to
display CW/FSK/PSK decoded text.
- Elecraft (Monitoring) : P3/PX3
toolbar, mouse control of the P3/PX3 (SC button).
- eQSL Upload restored (can take a long time)
. V 6.1.6 (2022/08/12)
- Internet Searches: TimeOut updated, ITU Zone to LOG fixed
- Log database management Duplicates function updated
FTDX-101, FTDX-10, FT-891 updated : refresh command send 5s after start up
. V 6.1.5 (2021/12/28)
- Fix for Internet download (wrong error message and aborted download)
QRZ.COM : updated to support requests to FCC (US
. V 6.1.4 (2021/10/31)
. V 6.1.3 (2021/05/01)
- Acom: +60m option (setup), next/previous segments
buttons, macro-commands, error messages
- FCC_Call updated for FTP download from the FCC website
. V 6.1.2 (2021/03/13)
- TRXPan updated for ICOM (Bandscope). Works with
all recent ICOMs (IC-7851/7610/9700/R8600/9700/705...)
- Recorder: Loop/Reset switch
. V 6.1.1 (2021/02/24)
- Support for the Yaesu FTDX-10
- More support
for ICOM IC-R30, IC-R9500, IC-R8600
. V 6.1.0 (2021/01/09)
- ICOM IC-R9000 : Range updated (0.03-1.998GHz)
- Support
for ICOM IC-R20, IC-R30, IC-R8600
- Support for Acom 700S
- New Synchro mode
: Ken-Amp (for amplifiers, tuners... using the Kenwood
- Acom Fix (60m) + update for ACOM700S
. V 6.0.9 (2020/10/25)
- Logbook overview : automatic update of the DXCC
field from the ClubLOG database (if +ClubLog checked under
Preferences/HAM Base)
- ADIF Import/Export additional support for third party
- Various minor fixes
. V 6.0.8 (2020/07/19)
- Importing Exporting ADIF Import fixed (for QRZ
files and may be others)
. V 6.0.7 (2020/05/09)
- Spots
Dial : smal improvements and fixes
- IOTA: menu was disabled
after opening the log...
. V 6.0.6 (2020/04/06)
- Spots
Dial : display on 2 columns (option), full context menu
- Winkey : fix for firmware V31
. V 6.0.5 (2020/02/16)
Spots dial, support for the
Reverse Beacon Network
. V 6.0.4 (2020/01/17)
- Prefix database updated
- DX Spots : detection
of FT8 in comment and automatic selection of the defined mode
. V 6.0.3 (2019/12/24)
- DX Cluster (Spots) : button to move the scroll
bar up (automation after each download is possible for the web cluster)
- Flex Radio : protocol updated and new TCP link,
configurable WID MED NAR filters
. V 6.0.2 (2019/11/11)
- Contest Mode fixes and new cabrillo fields
- Prefix database updated
- the DXCC
Window displays the WAZ Award status
- LOTW: the
<submode> field is supported
. V 6.0.1 (2019/10/13)
- Latest fixes
for the FTDX-101 and FT-891 (?)
- SAT : support for SatPC32 and SatPC32ISS by Erich DK1TB
. V 6.0.0 (2019/09/30)
- FCC Call updated
- Prefix database updated
New options to help save the planet: QSL_Sent = NO for Redundant QSOs, QSO with QSL_R=D can be excluded from QSL Labels printing
- FT-891 : fix for WID/MED
- FTDX-101/5000/9000 : fix for WID/MED for Sub-RX
- Quick memories Not working properly with Sub-Transceiver
- IC-9700 supported including SAT mode (memory
channels not supported, CS-9700 to be used instead)
- Some improvements or fixes for the IC-9100 and
IC-910 (especially in SAT mode).
- IC-7100/9100/9700/7410/7800/7700 : Transceiver's SCANning
mode control (SCAN button, levels window)
- Monitoring : fix for the display
in high resolution mode and for rounding errors
. V 5.9.1 (2019/08/21)
- Quick EMailer: fix
- Log database : the QSLMSG
field has now 60 characters (new database only)
- TRX-Acom : increased delay for power ON (DTR+RTS impulse),
change of the design, fix for antenna switch
- Support for Yaesu FTDX-101D/MP (not fully tested), fixes for FT-891
- New Support and
update policy
. V 5.9.0 (2019/06/08)
- MMVARI Font change added to the layout configuration
- Fix of the Levels window's resizer control
. V 5.8.9 (2019/05/05)
- DX-Spots: Mask option (for DX-Spots older than...)
and manual command (context menu)
- Minor changes and fixes
- Contest Mode: option for leading zeros and number of
- Update for Fldigi 4.02
Logging: save Date_ON with seconds
. V 5.8.8 (2019/03/25)
- Contest Mode: custom contest added, ID is
now editable
- FT-891: fixes for RF Gain and Split
- Macro buttons: a ToolTip text is available
- DX Cluster (Spots) : new MAX QSOs option associated with
- IC-7300 7610 : fix for the memory channels
- FT-991: Fix for
C4FM (DV mode) for the memory channels
- Synchronization with SDR-Radio
. V 5.8.7 (2019/02/11)
- QSO Search Sorting : fields
hours/minuts added
- Logging a new QSO : fix for
the "midnight" error message
- Web Cluster tab
- Minor improvements of the new Spots grids
- Support for the
Kenwood TS890S transceiver (not tested), fixes for the
- Quick memories: new design and new
functions and programmable scanning
- QRZ_XML updated
. V 5.8.5 (2019/01/03)
- Telnet : fixes a bug when , is selected as decimal separator
. V 5.8.5 (2019/01/03)
- Web Cluster and DX-Cluster (Telnet): new design and new functions,
improved speed
- Acom 1200S: fix for firmware
- LOTW: support for the ARRL's
lotw-user-activity file, auto download
- Yaesu rigs: fix for the CTCSS codes
. V 5.8.4 (2018/11/13)
- Support for the Palstar LA-1K amplifier
- Various
minor fixes and improvements
. V 5.8.3 (2018/10/22)
- Update for LOTW (new security profile)
. V 5.8.2 (2018/10/14)
- Spots : new option
(Dupe) to remove spots already received with XX minutes (DX Cluster and Web
Cluster), ON by default
- Prefix database : updated for
- New Spots Database window + Spotter
. V 5.8.1 (2018/09/23)
- Fix for ICOM IC-7100 IC-9600 (Data mode missing in the Monitoring panel)
New options for DX Spots Broadcasting (UDP,
- Spots : new option to display all
unneeded spots beyond XXXX km
. V 5.8.0 (2018/07/15)
- New menu: Database management
- Spot compose window re-designed
- Flex (SmartSDR) : DATA mode added
- Fix for some Yaesus (loss of the VFO
. V 5.7.9 (2018/06/10)
- Fix for the WSJT-X Interface and the documentation
. V 5.7.8 (2018/05/30)
- Synchronizations : TRXNET (TCP/IP) Interface improved and now supported by
WSJT-X (V1.9.0), Hamlib
- Logbook: Support for UDP Broadcasts (JTAlert,
WSJT-X...) and more support for WSJT-X
- SAT Tracking : DDE support for Orbitron
- Needed for
Mode/Band ( DX Spots DX Spots) : fix for Digital
. V 5.7.7 (2018/04/27)
- KAT500 TRACK function (ON/OFF)
- 1Hz resolution
for the recent Yaesus and TS-990
- Synchronizations : TRXNET (TCP/IP) Interface provided
for third party developments
. V 5.7.6 (2018/03/20)
- Transceiver/Setup: support for the HAMLIB
NET server (CAT Control, RIGCTRLD protocol)
- New Synchro mode using the HAMLIB NET server (can be used
with WSJT-X).
- Update of the Prefix database
- Definitive fix for ClubLog
(SSL mode)
- Update for Sat Explorer
. V 5.7.5 (2018/02/24)
- Band Plan ICOMs: RTTY=, DATA= provide
selections for USB-D1...4 and LSB-D1..4
- Sub
Transceiver (Kenwood only): Sync synchronizes RX, TX
Frequencies and Split
- Temporary fix for ClubLog (non-SSL)
- IC-7800 :
LINK function improved
Capture (with WSJT-X) : now the QSO is just imported but not saved
- Support for N1MM+ UDP Broadcasts
. V 5.7.4 (2018/01/24)
- DX Spots: new filter by comments
- /DEMO switch (command
line) to start TRX-Manager in demo mode
- Prefix database updated for Kosovo
. V 5.7.3 (2018/01/05)
- Support for ICOM IC-7610
- Synchro mode : Kenwood and ICOM protocol improved
- ADIF Capture: provides capture of the last QSO of an ADIF
file (to be used with a third party app.)
. V 5.7.2 (2017/11/11)
- Acom 600S :
- Support for KAT500
- FT-450: DATA
mode added
. V 5.7.1 (2017/09/18)
- Support for Elecraft KX2, fixes for KX3
. V 5.7.0 (2017/08/25)
- QRZ.COM Update (new Login protocol)
- Acom 600S : Fix for firmware V1.5, support for ACOM1200S
. V 5.6.9 (2017/07/31)
- Logbook MSK144, FT8 modes added, manual changes of
mode (temporarily) disable the real-time function
- Acom 600 : Fix
. V 5.6.8 (2017/04/15)
- Logbook Compact option (~old design)
- Update for NCDXF Beacons
. V 5.6.7 (2017/03/19)
- Contest mode : fixes for date and time
- Logbook: minor fixes and update,
search function (more options)
- Cosmetic changes
- Revision of this Help
. V 5.6.5 (2017/02/23)
- Support for Yaesu FT-891
- FT-991 now supports memory tags (firmware 2.19 or later
- Support for SMARTSDR-CAT
- New
design of the Logbook
- Importing Exporting (Log): Invalid QSOs (QSL_RCVD = I)
can be deselected
. V 5.6.5 (2017/01/29)
- HAM DB: better recognition of the callsigns (QSL Mngr)
- Changes for Acom600S
- DXCC Window :
configurable band slot
- Logbook : now uses up
to 16 characters for the callsign field (new database only, you may create a
new database and reimport all your QSOs using the ADIF exchange format if
- Fix for IC-7200
V 5.6.4 (2016/10/22)
- Fix for K3: PTT key no more working
Fix for LOTW: Lost ID and PWD
V 5.6.3 (2016/10/22)
- Cloud Logging : fix and optimization
Support for MULTIPSK
V 5.6.2 (2016/10/05)
- Rotator: selection for YAESU GS232B
- Fix for
the LOGic OLE Server
- Prefix database
- Cloud
Logging (support for QRZ Logbook, HRDLOG, CLUBLOG)
V 5.6.1 (2016/09/10)
- Support for IC-R9500
- Logbook: Real time
V 5.6.0 (2016/09/03)
- Prefix database updated
- Cloud
Logging (support for eQSL)
- Various fixes
V 5.5.9 (2016/04/23)
- IC-7300: IP+ function added
- ICOM (recent):
TONE control added (Levels window + predefined
Ton macro)
- Prefix database updated
- Fix for FT-991
(poll for VFO B)
V 5.5.8 (2016/04/13)
- Prefix database: KH5K now deleted
- Preferences split between
Preferences/Software and Preferences/Spots-Web (for further enhancements)
- Support for ICOM IC-7300
V 5.5.7 (2016/03/28)
- JST-245: New LINK function, use with VFO B
- SAVE PARAMETERS function fixed (required after a change of Windows 10
security functions)
- Web Cluster: new option Use
Int. Explorer
V 5.5.6 (2016/02/08)
- KPA500, ACOM600S now selectable from Synchro-B tab
- new Operating/Synchronization indicator
- Spots:
Distinct DE< Distance for V/UHF and HF
- New macros for Elecraft P3
V 5.5.5
- Fix for KPA500 in Synchro mode
V 5.5.4
- K3/KX3: new options RTTY=AFSK and PSK=DATA
- Logbook: new function to update the Export field for all the QSOs of the logbook
(Tools/Export Field...)
- Prefix database ready for K5P, FT4JA, VP8SGI,
- Support for KPA500
V 5.5.3
- FT-991 Update for firmware Main V1.07
TRX-Tools: TEST mode for LPT ports added (Band Decoder)
- Impoved support for
(com) Ports not found at startup
- CD-Rom/HAM
bases: Option +Spot (DX) to automate the transfer of
the data when you send a spot to the log (requires Copy to log
V 5.5.2
- QSL Labels printing : fix for the case of a
selection is active
- ICOM - Update for the new
firmware: IC-7800 (V3.1), IC-7600 (2.0), IC-7100 (E4)
- HamQTH now uses https
V 5.5.1
- ICOM: Polling option
- QRZ_XML: Fix for State field
V 5.5.0
- Update for QRZ.COM
- Fix for OmniRig
- Support for Log-EQF removed
V 5.4.9
- QRZ.COM Lookup: now similar to other database,
auto-login and improvements
- Support for HamQTH (Search, DXCC, Activity), can be used with
- Support for GoList removed
V 5.4.8
- SteppIR : new design, new (optional driver),
Synchro 2 now supported (limited), fixes.
- TRX-Tools: fixes and some support for Windows emulators
- Support for ICOM IC-7850, IC-7851
- support for IC-7800 (V3.1)
with thanks to Larry KJ6YVT
V 5.4.7
- Fixes for Yaesu FTDX-9000, FT-2000
- Cluster
(autoconnect): support for a password
- Band
plan : improved support for RTTY and DATA modes (L-D, U-D), PSK, PKT. Please
edit your preferences or Reset to the (updated) IARU band plan
- Support for
V 5.4.6
- Prefix database updated
- Fix for ICOM IC-7200
- Digital modes:
Interface with Fldigi, MMVARI Engine implemented
V 5.4.5
- Improved support for ACOM 600S
- Fix for QRZ.COM (HAM DB)
V 5.4.4
- Remote control: direct control of VFO B for the
compatible transceivers
- Support for ACOM
- Support for FT-991
V 5.4.3
- Black list now editable
- Labels: From page option (to resume a printing
- ICOM 7100/9100 : FM-Data mode added
- K3/KX3: Power ON supported using an RTS or DTR Line
DXCC Summary: now uses the Logbook's fonts, window is
- QRZ Database (QRZ.COM) and Internet look up: automated copy of some data to the log
V 5.4.2
- Fix: sometime the program reopens when exiting
- Prefix database updated for TX5W
V 5.4.1
- WebCluster (DXSummit only): Spotters distance calculated using Server Data
- Spotters Distance configurable (default=5000 km)
BlackLists for (undesirable) DXSpot and/or Spotters
V 5.4.0
- Update for NOAA SFI's URL
- Prefix database ready for K1N (Navassa)
V 5.3.9
- New update for DXSummit (WebCluster)
V 5.3.8
- Support for TS-590SG (Warning: if you use a TS-590, select now
- FT-990S: support for the internal (CAT) CW
- FT-990/590: improvements for the sub-transceiver module
- DX
Clusters: improved calculations for the spotter's location
- WebCluster: updated for the New DXSummit (click default
URL to update)
V 5.3.7
- XFC/TFS/TXW function updated (Split
- Logbook : CW Toolbar option (Preferences)
- Mailer updated: supports Authentification, Security
- Prefix database updated for FT4T
V 5.3.6
- Dual RX transceivers: SUB VFO Tuning methods
- Various fixes
.V 5.3.5
- K3 & KX3: Fix for the TEXT/DATA Terminal (faster end
of transmission)
.V 5.3.4
- Fix for the KX3 in TEXT mode
.V 5.3.3
.V 5.3.2
- Minor fixes for ICOM, Elecraft rigs, temporary fix for Spotting from
- Band decoder: RS232 controllers supported,
macro-commands to the band decoder supported.
.V 5.3.1
- Rotor control (fix): no display in some cases
- Sub Transceiver: new design with s-meter, more function
buttons (depending on rigs).
.V 5.3.0
- " FAST" digit tuning option (see help for more information)
Logbook: Distinct fonts for the Logbook's Listing (+ saves the
font correctly)
- Major revision of the Remote
control ; now please use only the Transceiver/Remote TRX
window, new remote control window, UDP protocol added, simplified and improved
operation (note: all previous settings are lost), fix for the display of
- DXCC Update: update the
QSL_Sent field with the default QSLS field (preferences)
Contest : Fix for the WPX
- New menu: Parameters/My Configuration
- Fix for HAMCall CD-Rom
- Fix for LOTW (URL)
.V 5.2.9
- CQZ Summary. Tools/DXCC Update command formats CQ
Zone with two digits.
- Synchro: fix for Kenwood
command SM not correctly formatted.
- TS-590:
improved auto A/B filter switching
.V 5.2.8
- Support for TS-990
- Six additional synchro ports
.V 5.2.7
- Quick Edit of the log from the QSO Before window (just click a row)
- Winkey : some parameters (Weighting, Dit/Dah ratio, Key
Comp, Port) saved BY Transceiver
- TS-590: command
for Filter A & B, memorizes filter by VFO A/B
- Support for TS-990 (not fully tested)
- Update for DXSCape Web Cluster
- Virtual serial ports created by VSPE do
not appear (fixed)
- Shortcuts revisited
- Logbook: comment field now permanent, new field
- FTDX-1200 : fix for Contour values
.V 5.2.5 + V5.2.6
- Fix for 16 bits color video adapter
- Fix for K3 Synchro mode
Preferences/Software: specific tab for DX-Spots
- WebCluster updated for Simons' DX Cluster (CSV
- Memory channels : displays of DCS codes instead of CTCSS Tones in
some cases (fixed)
- TS-2000/480/590: Weird display of CTCSS tone in memory
mode in some cases (fixed)
- TS-590 Pitch fixed
- TS-990 (in progress)
- ICOM IC-7800/7700: ON/OFF function added
- Comp ports now supported up
to 32
.V 5.2.4
- ICOM IC-7800/7700: update for new new firmware V3.0. New functions: Power
ON/OFF and CW Memories
- K3: MIC SEL menu fixed (selections added)
FTDX-1200/3000: Auto Information mode was disabled at startup (fixed)
Window: new option to display the band summary automatically
.V 5.2.3
- DX Tracking function updated
- K3: Refresh
rate of QSX improved (SUB VFO Tuning) if SPLIT+SUB ON, Refresh Rate of S-Meter
- ICOMs: sometime wrong display of RPT mode (fixed)
.V 5.2.2
- minor fixes and changes + help.
V 5.2.1
- YAESU: RX Antenna command added
FTDX-9000: slight changes (delay between command , smeter fixed)
- DX-Spots filter: it is now possible to
exclude some spots from the DXCC filtering
. V 5.2.0
- Major upgrade for ICOMs
and YAESU rigs
- Support for FTDX-1200
- New graphich display
of the PBT Filters (Monitoring)
. V 5.1.4
- Support for IC-7100
- IC-9100: Support for DV mode and DVTX Callsign added
- Minor changes and improvements for other ICOM rigs
. V 5.1.3
- FT-2000/5000/9000/3000/950 : important fixes and
improvements. WARNING: Please ensure that RTS
(TRX-manager) and the CTS (Transceiver menu) are matched. Latest firmware required.
- EAGLE, ARGONAIT VI: please check settings and RTS
- K3 KX3: fix for WID/CUT mode
- Minor other fixes
. V 5.1.2
- Various optimizations (Comm, design)
- Fix for the link with
. V 5.1.1
- Monitoring : new analogic dial
- DLLs added
for Yaesu rigs (missing in V 5.1.0)
- Various fixes
. V 5.1.0
- Support for TenTec Argonaut VI, FTDX-3000
- Fixes for FTDX5000 FT-950
Optimization for SteppIR
- Comm control:
optimization for all devices
- New graphic slider with mousewheel
- K3/KX3 FP : buttons now support
mousewheel control
. V 5.0.9
- Monitoring: new design
and new s-meter
. V 5.0.8
- Interface with HAM Cap by Alex VE3NEA
- IOTA Award : Region selection added (AI BI WI)
Summary for WAZ and WAS Awards
- Remote control: Terminal shows the basic status of the
distant rig. Minor fixes. Address always 0 for Telnet (pse update both
. V 4.7.4
- Monitoring: Tuning by digit possible using the mouse
- 4m band added (log and spots filter)
- Remote control: Terminal shows the basic status of the
distant rig. Minor fixes. Address always 0 for Telnet (pse update both
. V 5.0.7
- K3 and K3 FP: More tuning methods, On TOP
- K3 FP: Size reduced (Width<1024)
- 4m band added (Log, DX Spot
. V 5.0.6
- Help files revisited,
new design
- Ultra fast logging mode:
choice between F12 or Enter
. V 4.7.3
. V 4.7.2
- Webcluster crashes : fix for Windows 8 (new version of
- new setup for patches
- additional link between CW
Terminal and TT Terminal (K3)
- VFO link added for IC-7800 (F = Follow button
of the monitoring)
. V 4.7.1
- K3 (Level)s : TT Mode improved
- Log (auto power) :
- minor fixes
. V 4.7.0
- Prefix database updated
- Logbook: AUTO POWER function (see
- Web Clusters and spots : fixes and
- Remote control : fix for the
CW keyer (remote)
. V 4.6.9
- QRZ Look up : new format implemented
DXCC Award : fixes (V/UHF excluded), band counter for current
and deleted entities
- Linear reminder : display last power
(MAX) even in RX, resume by dbl click or after band changes
- Web
cluster : sort order memorized (for the current session
- Minor other improvements (K3)
. V 4.6.8
- TRX-Pan: FLIP I/Q settings added
for CW and USB (vs LSB).
- Prefix database updated for NH8S
- Minor
. V 4.6.7
- Remote control: Winkey now usable from Master for CW
. V 4.6.6
- minor fixes and
update of the prefix database
- support for the Juma TRX2 transceiver
. V 4.6.5
- Fixes for TenTec Eagle and Orion
- K3: QSX (+/- kHz)
added to the K3 Levels window
- Minor update of the prefix database
Update of the documentation
- Support for IC-9100, fixes for IC-7410
Prefix database: R1MV now deleted
. V 4.6.4
- TRX-Acom: remembers antenna change for the same segment
(and session) + other fixes
- TS-2000 : fix at startup while TS2K is OFF
- Orion, polling is (re)enabled
if Polling is checked
Prefix database : fully updated for Russian callsigns (+Oblast), + other
. V 4.6.3
- Prefix database updated
- TRX-Acom (hysteresis and
TX/RX freq defaults)
- Update for QRZ.COM and
REF-UNION database
. V 4.6.2
- 07/27/2011 : prefix
database updated for ST0 (please reload this version!)
- TS-790 : fixes and
- TRX-Pan : more accurate S-Meter,
Band/Mode/Macro buttons
. V 4.6.1
- Eagle tested and fixed
K3 Window: support for bargraph in TX mode (PWR only,
see BG; command)
. V 4.6.0
- Support for ICOM IC-7410
Support for TenTec Eagle (to be tested)
- DXTelnet : auto-reconnect function
- TRX-Pan updated V2.2.2 (Spot, BPH)
. V 4.5.9
- TRX-Pan updated (V2.1.9) : support for FT-950/FTDX5000
(with TRX-Manager V4.5.9), MouseWheel supported
- Support for TS-590
- Logbook/Export :
Current SELECT Query can be used to select QSOs to be exported
. V 4.5.8
- TRX-Pan updated (V2.1.3)
- Prefix database updated for
- Various fixes for ICOMs
. V 4.5.7
- TRX-Pan totally
revisited: new design, new options and features, image rejection
- Logbook/search function: new
- Logbook/LOTW: new options for import and
- Terminal/Telnet: Improved
. V 4.5.6
- TRX-Pan updated (fix for
negative values of Phase, QSY Detect, new options...)
- Support for LoTW users list
. V 4.5.5
- K3 : now reads and controls Sub
WIDTH in real time, mini-terminal (K3 window
TT) improved, LO/HI functions
- ICOMS & K3 : fixes for Remote mode
Linear: amp inhibit + max
drive power options
- LOTW : support for
TQSL, automated submissions
- New
folders structure (Use AppData option): Please see the important
Note about folders used by TRX-Manager
TRX-Pan updated: Offset by mode, tracks K3'sIF and
Hysteresis setting
. V 4.5.4
- updated for K3 firmware 4.14
- minor fix for "special
prefix database"
. V 4.5.3
- Prefix database updated
. V 4.5.2
- Stop Sleep Mode option (preferences/software)
- K3 : optimized band
switching, 2m band added
- DX Spots: more accurate
filtering by mode; now filtering by Type( see Band Plan). HAM filter added (allows to
exclude Spots on specific segments).
- DX Bar :
option for fixed Scale
. V
- PWB predefined
macro added
- K3 : Time Out for ON/OFF status increased from 10ms to
- FTDX-5000 tested
- FT-950,
FTDX-5000 : predefined filters > IF SHift selected with Bandwidth,
NAR function added
- FT2000 FT-450 : Narrow function added :
warning you must update your preference (see help )
- Terminal
(Telnet) : watch dog
. V
- Support for Yaesu FTDX-5000
(not tested)
- Fixes for ICOMs
. V
- Support for Elecraft
W2 Wattmeter
. V
. V
. V
- WebServer: Viewport
tag, User defined tag, various fixes
- Logbook:
auto backup for each day of the week
- Terminal:
Auto Connect at startup (Telnet)
- K3 updated for
MCU 3.94: Improved CW/Data Terminal (TT), new Graphic Equalizer (EQ), NB Levels
settings (Levels). Warning MCU 3.94 or later
. V
- Remote: Watch dog function
for Slave and Master
- Remote control: Web
- LogBook: auto
backup (each day, the first time you launch TRX-Manager, located
in \Backup folder)
- Monitoring: up to 30 macro-buttons, more predefined macros
. V
- Remote: Help updated
- Winkey: now support Winkey2 and WK_USB
- K3: updated for MCU 3.76, improved keyer/data
- QRZ XML: QSL Manager added
. V
- Changes for K3 MCU 3.66, Interface
- Remote: Slave connects Master
option (for Experts)
- CW Skimmer : help
updated, interface improved to display spots with "relative" frequencies
- Prefix database updated
. V
- K3 : possible wrong behavior with QSX function (fixed),
Link/Uplink button
- Monitoring: 8 macros
. V
- Support for Digital
Wattmeter ALPHAPOWER (4500 series)
- K3 Synchro
mode (Synchronization with PowerSDR-IF possible)
- Logbook: special function for SWL
. V
- Fixes and improvements
for ICOMs
. V
- K3 : support for CW OFS (firmware
- Linear reminder: new options for OPR/SBY
using VOX or RF Power.
. V
- Fix for Google Earth
(for last GE update)
. V
- Support for IC-7600
- LP-100/100A in Remote mode: configuration fixed
- K3 : Mode and Band
switches added (K3 Interface)
- HAMCALL: fix
- Tested under Windows 7 RC
- Update for DX Summit (Web
- ICOM with Dual RX: behavior of VFO modified
- TRX-Tools available
. V
- Web Cluster : STOP button
- OLE Automation error at startup fixed
- K3:
ESC shortcut for XFC (Monitoring),
update for firmware V 3.11
- OmniVII : fix for
- FT-DX9000 : Power ON/OFF function added (CAT
. V 4.3.5
- Remote command for SteppIR
- Various fixes
. V 4.3.5
- Special Event Callsigns
- Support for OMNI-RIG's Library by Alex
- Interface with Google Earth
. V 4.3.3
- K3 updated
- NRD-535 updated
- IC-7800 updated
- some changes for ICOMs
- Help updated
. V 4.3.2
- Support for LP-100A Digital
WattMeter by N8LP
- Support for IC-7200
- Interface with CW
Skimmer by Alex VE3NEA
- Panorapic Spectrum Analyser for SDR: TRX-Pan
- Logbook: Export
by Operator" now possible
- Support for RT-21
Rotor (Green Heron Engineering)
- Slave : IP
adresses are shown
- Many fixes, optimization and new functions for Elecraft K3
. V 4.3.1
. V 4.3.0
- Synchronizing two controllers
now possible (Synchro 1 or Synchro 2)
- Band
decoder : now controllable by Segment of the band plan
- K3: LPBridge option
. V 4.3.1
- Elecraft K3: Filter
selections updated, various fixes or improvements
. V 4.2.8
- - Elecraft K3's tools/levels
. V 4.2.7
- QSL labels printing : fix
for Vista
- Rotator : Support for MicroHAM
. V 4.2.6
. V 4.2.5
- Update for FCC_Call
Command line switch for TRX1..4
- FTDX9000 FT-2000
FT-450 : new DSP filters settings
. V 4.2.4
- Sub-Transceivers now support Transverter option
- New fix for Elecraft K3's filters
. V 4.2.3
- New update for OH2 DX Summit
web cluster
- New update for K3 (Filters)
- Winkey interface (Underscore = Space added)
. V
- Fixes for Elecraft K2 &
- Update for the new DX Summit Web
. V
- SteppIR : Native mode supported
(control window...)
. V
- Minor changes for FT-2000, NRD-545
- Support for FT-950 (not tested)
- Prefix database updated
- Logbook: user default for Transceiver
- Remote TRX : data flow reduced
during frequency changes (Scanning), AutoInformation OFF is now really OFF
- SteppIR : Frequency segments set up to 10KHz
for best matches on 80m (hysteresis 1KHz), new algorithm and stop bits = 2 above
4800 bauds
- Auto Mode fixed
- Various
. V
- Fix for Memory Channels
(INFO not transfered)
. V
- Fix for Winkey at high-speed ("hanging") + new option for serial-server
- CW : Remote option + Fixes
- FT-450 FT-2000 :
Support improved (Levels follow the rig, more controls)
- Omni VII : support for Split
. V
- Elecraft K3 added with minimal
support. More to be added in the future
- Support for LP-100 Digital Wattmeter
- Linear-Reminder improved : support for LP-100,
user fields
- TRX-Acom improved & support
for ACOM Antenna switch, Watch Dog
- Support for RACAL 6790
- Logbook
: Suffix option, auto QSLSDATE option
- Browser : Google added as search
- Change for FCC database via
- FT-736 supported as sub-transceiver
- FJ added as DXCC entity
(total 338)
- Various fixes
. V
- Support for Yaesu FT-450
- Support for ACOM2000 amplifier
- Prefix database updated
- Linear-Reminder (for manual amplifier or manual
antenna tuner)
. V
. V
- SWL Module : selection for
Font added
- Browser : Search
from IK3QAR QSL Manager database added
- DX Announce : GRID>GRID can be added
to the comment
. V
- CW Keyer : 16 memory buttons,
switchable LOG frame + now possible to click a memory button
before the previous message is totally sent.
- TS-2000/480/K2: fix for
internal CW keyer
- Support for Orion fixed with
help of TenTec
- Synchro : ICOM selection
- Support for Omni VII (Radio mode)
. V
- IC-756PRO3 : Multi-Meter fixed
- IC-756PRO/7800 : XFC
- WebCluster : fix for data with hyperlink
- Fix for Edit/Band
submenu + 60m, 1.25m, 33cm bands added
- Setup's script fixed for Vista
- New settings for FT-2000
. V
4.1.1 & 3.9.4
- PTT via CW Interface,
Setup fixed [+3.9.4]
- Improved support for FT-2000
- Winkey in remote mode :
Speed fixed [+3.9.4]
- QMB :
History function
- Minor fixes + CHM & HLP help files updated [+3.9.4]
. V
4.1.0 & 3.9.3
- NRD545: Fix for
Notch [+3.9.3]
- HTML HELP system (chm files)
- IC-7000: support for NF1 &
- IC-R8500 (SUB): support for NB & ATT
- CD-ROM : /X /XX suffix
removed [+3.9.3]
- Transceiver (Preferences) : PTT Time Out
- Recorder: Option to key rig automatically
while playing [+3.9.3]
. V 4.0.9
& 3.9.2
- Fix for Errror 91 on
- E5 (ZK1) prefix added
. V 4.0.8
- Winkey : Slider range
matches Pot range
- QRZ.COM : Fix for Name
and Grid added
- Master polls Slave every
- Wota: minor fixes
. V 4.0.7
. V 4.0.6
- Fix for LPRotor [+3.9.0]
- New DXCC entities :
Montenegro and Swain Isl. [+3.9.0]
. V 4.0.5
- Updated support for
LP-100 (N8LP) [+3.9.0]
- Synchro (Kenwood mode)
: RX and TX command added
- Satellite : support
for Sat_Explorer (F6DQM)
. V 4.0.4
- Support for IC-7000
. V 4.0.3
- New specifications for
WOTA (Who's on the air) + new options
- NRD545 : Range from
0.1 to 2000 MHz [+3.9.0]
. V 4.0.2
. V 4.0.1
- FT-840/890/900: Fix
for use as Sub-Transceiver
- Terminal: Two Telnet
terminal available (remote + dxcluster...)
- Band Plan: Fix for Type
in Preferences
- Remote : Fix to stop
Scanning [+3.8.9]
- FT-817/857/897 : Fix
for BandScope + CTCSS/DCS [+3.8.9]
. V 4.0.0
- Support for Windows
64 bits
- Setup for four Transceivers
- Support for up to 4
Transceivers at the same time (one Main Transceiver, three Sub-Transceivers)
- Support for SO4R
(single operator four radios) operation
- Synchro mode : Support
for SteppIR beam and Kenwood, ICOM radios
- New comprehensive Band
Plan (3 Regions supported)
- Auto-Mode : adjustable
Backlash parameter
- New QuickMemories
- Support for logging
to LOGic in real-time
- Support for QRZ Online
- Support for FTDX9000
ICPCR1000 IC-7000
. V 3.8.8
- IC-756 (&PRO) IC-7800
: Selection of VFO (Main/Sub) fixed
. V 3.8.7
- Prefix database updated
for 3Y0X
- Logbook : critical fields
(Freq, Date, S-Meter) automatically filled in if empty
- ADIF : Error message
added if binary fields found
- Remote and Monitoring
submenu moved to Transceiver menu
. V 3.8.6
- CW Settings : Internal
CW Keyer for each Transceiver (please check your settings)
- Dual Setup : Support
for SO2R (Single Op, 2 radios), Reading REG files at Startup,
- Band Decoder selectable
for each transceiver (Preferences/Transceiver)
- Remote: Connect IP option
at startup, VoIP option (at Startup), fix for TRX-Audio
- TS-2000 (SAT mode) :
problem to set mode of SUB-VFO fixed
- Prefix database updated
. V 3.8.5
- Fix for TenTec RX320
- TS-570 TS-870 Elecraft
: RTS HandShaking selectable
- WebCluster : stops download
at 00:00Z (fixed)
- FT-990 ROM1.3 - FT1000D
ROM5 and some receivers : Split ON on refresh fixed
- Monitoring : Up Down
buttons (QSX) fixed
- SW Database : S-Meter
threshold (scanning) selectable from the Toolbars
- Remote control : Slave
transceiver selectable from Transceiver/Slave submenu ; Transceiver
displayed in the tittle bars of the Monitoring and Remote windows.
Before or after Real mode is engaged, standard control is possible
from the Remote window (? button disables the real mode).
- Various fixes and optimizations
- If you are using Remote
control, please update both Slave and Master!
. V 3.8.4
- Support for NGT CODAN
transceiver (UNICEF)
- Monitoring : if configured
as remote interface, macro commands available
. V 3.8.3
- TRX-Synchro : Update
for Alpha amplifier : supports ON/OFF
- FCC_Call : update for
FCC's Web site
- Orion Rotators : new
option for Orion PX and Orion PX 2.4 (most recents require PX
- Winkey : Speed displayed
(internal Pot) was wrong
- TRX-Command : Sliders
- Monitoring : distinct
Layout for each transceiver
. V 3.8.2
- Monitoring : FT-1000/920
only and Kenwoods: B Follows A function (see Lock Dial button)
- Winkey : Setting for
Pin 5 (PTT Sidetone...)
- Setup revised : DTR/RTS
settings for Winkey, DTR/RTS/PTT... settings for each rig :
Warning if you use TRX2 !
- 10m and 80m sub-bands
: same split for both rigs (to define under Setup's LPT tab)
. V 3.8.0
- DXCC window : SFI button
shows K-Index (status bar)
- CW keyer : Inserts Date
and Time
- Scanning : Comment for
each Scanning Memory (Warning : previous data lost !)
- TRX-Synchro : File option
(behaves like a Kachina transceiver)
- Setup for TS-480HX
- TS-2000/480 + Internal
Keyer + Real mode : Fix (run time error)
- Terminal : Sound announce
toggle now enabled for DX Spot
- TS2000/480 (Monitoring)
: Initialization of AF Gain
- Prefix database updated
for K7C (Kure Is.)
. V 3.7.9
- Scanning dialog updated
- TS-2000/480 (Internal
Keyer) : TX displayed during transmit
- Rotator Prosistel D
: Elevation added
- Keyer : new Shortcut
\ for [My Callsign] (US Keyboards), BackSpace key now deletes
the last character in "real time" mode.
- Orion : support removed
for this rig (but you can still use it)
- Various fixes
. V 3.7.8
- Fixes for the Channels
module (inopportune change of the Label)
- Winkey : Initialization
may fail + text now appears at the CW speed
- DXSpots, Channels :
Listview contrôle keeps the columns width (workaround for an
old bug!)
. V 3.7.7
- Support for PROSISTEL
D rotator
- Fixes for Orion PX rotator
- Improved support for
Alinco DX-77
- TRX-Synchro updated
- Logbook : Expert mode,
user-defined (fixed) RST for casual contesting
- Older ICOMs : Monitoring
polls the transceiver every 500ms
. V 3.7.6
- DX-Map : flickering
of the display (fixed)
- TS-480 : Meter fixed
- FT-1000MP/EDSP : TRX-Manager
resets EDSP only if you key from the program
- Rotator : support for
Orion PX firmware
. V 3.7.5
- Various fixes
- DXSpot (Web Terminal)
: Single Click option removed (Double Click required)
- Support for the Winkey
CW Interface.
- Keyer (change) : Key
assignments for Mess 1 to 8 = F1 to F8 keys, Log button SAVES
the QSO, button added for Paste only.
. V 3.7.4
- NRD-535 : Driver updated
for non-h versions + VFO A/B
- NRD-545 : VFO A/B
- DXMap shows current
rotator's azimuth
. V 3.7.3
- Two identical rotators
on same com port but with different Offset are accepted
- New driver for NRD-545
- Reduced CPU Usage for
Yaesu rigs
- Support for IC-756PRO3
(not tested)
- Optimization for USB-Serial
- Terminal & WebCluster
: Column width adjustable to zero
. V 3.7.2
- Transverter option
- Function buttons : Option
for On/Off button
- Logbook : DX-Atlas button
- TRX-Synchro : Updated
for Alpha amplifiers and Steppp-IR beams
- Support for NRD-535
. V 3.7.1
- IC-756PRO2 IC-7400 Support
for Data mode
- Monitoring : Layout
- DX-Mail : DX-Spot forwarding
via EMail
- Remote control : Password
for TX+RX or RX only (with other restrictions)
. V 3.7.0
- Orion rotator : support
for feedback
- WebCluster/Preferences
: Stacked option (Spots)
- Monitoring : New design
- Support for external
Multi-Meter (OLE and Remote)
- Preferences/Transceiver
: Settings saved for each transceiver (TRX1 or TRX2)
- FT-100 : Meter data
available (Monitoring)
- Support for IC-7800
. V 3.6.8
- OLE updated for N8LP
- DXBar : Scanning by
digits improved
- Remote window : fully
- Remote (Keyer with ICOM
in real mode) : fix for long strings
. V 3.6.7
- DX Spots : more comprehensive
DXCC Award tracking for each spot, filters for 60m, 220MHz,
- QSO Before : uses the
Logbook's font
- Remote (Keyer) : fix
for long strings
- Band scope : Step adjustable
in Manual mode
- Remote control : azimuth
feedback (rotator)
. V 3.6.6
- TS-2000 : button for
RX Antenna (Misc tab)
- TS-480 : option for
Wid/Nar1 filters
- Translation in German,
Spanish and Polish updated
- WebCluster : Incoming
spots are now added to the display
. V 3.6.5
- Support for Argonaut
V transceiver
- Support for Jupiter
- Translation in German
by Eike DM3ML
- DX Tracking by band
- IC-756PRO2 : NR's right
click engages a timer
- TRX2 : DX Spots accepted
(DXCluster or WebCluster context menu)
- DXSpots : Log filter
(allows filtering by Callsign + Mode + Band)
- LogBook : new fields
for QSLSDATE (Date for QSL_Sent) and QSL_SENT_VIA (Method).
Warning: please delete the layout file (.GRD) associated with
the database to make these new fields visible from the Listing.
. V 3.6.4
- Translation in Polish
by Marek SP7DQR
- Monitoring, INC function
: sub menu for Step
- Remote : Synchro button
(Remote Window)
. V 3.6.3
- Support for TS-480
- Rotator : fixes for
Rotor EZ/HY Gain
- Monitoring (Tuning control)
: new scanning functions, improved support for USB Knob
- Logbook : Real Time
option (default)
- Remote control : TRX-Command
- ICOM : Real remote control
mode (full control via TCP/IP)
- VUCC : Update for DXAtlas
. V 3.6.2
- Monitoring : new tuning
control and improved support for the mousewheel
- Browser : customized
list of Favourites
- Support for TenTec RX320
- Kenwood : fix of memory
channels editing dialog
- TS-2000 : selection
for AF/SQL or AF/RF Gain controls
- TS-2000 Elecraft K2
: full control of the com port via TCP/IP
- Interface with MultiKeyer
(by KD5HIO)
- Rotor (Spidrotor1/2)
: Reverse Mounted option allows rotating from -180° to 180°,
- WebCluster : Watch List
- Recorder : Sound card
is selectable
- Menu and DX Bar : buttons
for 60m and 23cm bands
- Logbook : 1.25m, 33cm,
23 cm bands added
- QSO Before : new columns
for Comment, RS/T
- Preferences : Active
Border option
. V 3.6.1
. V 3.6.0
- F7 (Hotkey) opens the
DXCC window (clears and gives the focus)
- QuickLog function :
fixes and improvements
- ICOM (Levels) : Manual
Notch control, RF Power (if available), Selected Filter Width
- Support for TenTec ORION
- Remote control : support
for CTCSS/DEC/SHIFT/OFFSET commands (Repeaters)
- Function to save the
parameters of the Registry
- Internet Callsign Look-up
: option for External Browser
- Current Spot : new keyboard
shortcut (F4)
- Support for the LogBook
of The World
. V 3.5.9
- ICOM : Fix for S-Meter
- Fixes for FT-767GX (CTCSS)
- LPT Port : driver updated
- DXBar : Optimization
- Monitoring (keypad)
: band switch (Bd button)
- Satellite : support
for WXTrack
- CW Keyer : Speed from
1 wpm to 50 wpm
- Remote interface : Frequency
up to 1300MHz
- Prosistel rotator :
- LogBook : Duplicate
submenu (QuickLog mode)
. V 3.5.8
- ICOM : F2 function may
cause an error (fixed)
. V 3.5.7
- Update for the AlfaSpid
controllers (RS232)
- TRX-Synchro : new version
and new Dual Receive mode
- IC-706MKIIG : + WFM
- IC-703/746PRO : Tuner
disabled at startup (fixed)
- TS-2000 : Scanning speed
improved, SUB ON/OFF button, PBT (DSP) display
- New menu Transceiver,
Com Port Off option (ICOM, Kenwood only)
- New menu External (for
external programs)
- Satellite : if TRX2=ICOM,
TRX-Manager reads the TX Frequency
- Terminal (Telnet) :
DX Spots broadcasting via Packet
. V 3.5.6
- IC-706MKIIG/746PRO/756PRO/756PRO2/R75/R9000/R7100
: New controls (Levels window), preferences and display for
3 filters (if available)
- Support for IC-703
- Support for FT-212/412
- DXCluster, WebCluster
: Filter for Spotters (>5000Km)
- TRX-Synchro : Stepp-IR
control option
- Support for Spid rotor
- TS-2000 : Button for
Antenna 1/2 (Misc tab)
. V 3.5.5
- PTT Switching : option
for CW Line
- Fix for some ICOMs
. V 3.5.3
- TS-2000 : ON/OFF function
(or F9 key + Setup)
- FT-1000MP (fix) : RX
EDSP / TX EDSP loading with "previous session"
- IC-756PRO2 : Button
for RX Antenna
- LogBook : new field
. V 3.5.2
- Translation in Swedish
by Magnus SM6VFJ
- TRX-Command : 32 commands
- Logbook (Increased field
length) : Name (25), Comments (100) - only for a new logbook
- Logbook (New fields)
: Notes and Address
- Prefix database updated
- Customization of the
Prefix database (11m possible)
- Support for FT-857
- Remote control : Polling
command for the rotor interface
. V 3.5.1
- Browser : support for
eQSL callsign look-up
- Minor fixes
. V 3.5.0
- New DX Bar window
- Terminal (Auto QSY)
: option to stop the screen saver (see Preferences/Terminal)
- DX Squelch function
to mute the receiver until a spot is clicked (Tools/DX Squelch
button) ; see also Preference/Terminal to set up the delay.
- DXCC Summary (Details)
: Option for Sort Order
- DX Spots (fix) : invalid
spots are rejected if spot status option checked
- HAMCall : new DLL
- DX Spots : option for
RTTY in the comment (Preferences/Terminal)
- Callsign look-up via
the Internet, also accessible from the logbook (link with the
fields of the log still not supported)
- FT-1000MP : the internal
scanning command gives unexpected behaviors with some transceiver
and has been removed. If your FT-1000MP supports this function,
please configure the program for FT-1000MP MKV.
- Propagation : the SFI
(Solar Flux Index) is now extracted from the NOAA server
- Remote window : buttons
for Antenna switch added
- Memory Channels (Reading
a file) : fix for IC-746PRO and probably IC-756PRO/PRO2, IC-R75
- IC-746Pro : fix for
Channels in FM/Split
- Quick Split : Split
- Memory channels : function
for clearing all memory channels in one click (Icom and Kenwood
- ICOM : option C00 (Setup)
if the first channel is #00
- Remote control (Packet)
: RC command to automate a reconnection
- Logbook : (true) fied
for Station (Transceiver) added. If a layout has been created
for your current database (file with .grd as extension), it
is recommended you delete it in order to display the new field
under the Listing tab.
. V 3.4.2
- Rotators : Support for
- Remote control : Internal
tuning (step by step) supported for more precise tuning
- Joystick control
. V 3.4.1
- Support for Yaesu VR-5000
- Support for TS-711 and
- Satellite : support
for SATEL939
- Logbook : QSL_RCVD field
: S mark for "submitted" supported.
- Monitoring two rotators
simultaneously supported
- Terminal (Auto QSY)
: Option for All, Needed, New One
- Sound announces : option
to play a wav file for a needed (only) country, priorities between
wav files revised
. V 3.4.0
- Band decoder : new driver
to support customized LPT port under Windows 2000/NT/XP.
- FT-847 : CAT ON at startup
fixed (again)
- Logbook : Mode on 3
digits (only if you create a new database)
- SW Listening : Support
for ICOM with 3 filters
- Prop. prediction : indication
of Sun Set and Sun Rise
- Commands pannel : Scanning
dialog updated (range)
- FSK mode selected when
RTTY appears in the comment of a DX Spot
. V 3.3.6
- FT-817/847/897/757/747
: improvement of speed (especially FT-817/897)
- Remote control : Specific
command for TX in Split
. V 3.3.5
- Commands Panel : Improved
accuracy of the display between 100 and 160 MHz
- FT-847 : CAT ON at startup
- Remote control : Setting
up TX if split changes RX with FT-1000/920 (fixed)
- IC-7400/746PRO IC-756PRO2
: Transceive ON at startup
. V 3.3.4
- DXCC Summary : calculation
of the bandpoints, more detailed reports
- Logbook : Logging OFF
for a selection of QSO
- IC-R8500 : improved
- Support for FT-897
- Database Grids : new
system files (fixes)
. V 3.3.3
- new Prefix database
much more accurate (2800 entries) resolving CQ, ITU Zones and
provinces ; derived from DXAtlas courtesy of Alex VE3NEA (please
run Tools/DXCCUpdate to fill in CQ and ITU fields of your logbook).
- Band Plan : ability
to split either the 10m or the 80 m band
. V 3.3.2
- DXMap & DXAtlas
: a button allows drawing paths from Spotters to DX-Spots
- VUCC & DXAtlas :
drawing the confirmed or worked gridsquares
- TS-2000 : 1.2GHz band
. V 3.3.1
- Prefix.mdb : update
of the ARRL DXCC codes for 4W, FK/CH & VP6D : you
must run the Tools/DXCC Update to update the codes for your
previous QSOs
- LogBook : minimizing
the LogBook window also minimizes the CD-Rom, GoList, Fcc, QSOBefore
. V 3.3.0
- TRX-Command updated
: multiple commands supported
- DX Atlas : interface
- DXCC Summary : detailed
- DXCC Window : detailed
. V 3.2.7
- IC-746PRO : memory channels
interface fixed
- Remote window : SUB
button added
- TRX-Command : an additional
program that allows you to send direct commands to your Kenwood,
Icom or LPT Port via OLE
. V 3.2.6
- FT-1000MP : smooth tuning
implemented (may not work with older FT-1000MP)
- HAMSCOPE supports TRX-Manager
via OLE
- IC-821 : Main and Sub
reversed in SAT mode
- TS-2000 & K2 : probably
a problem of priority with WinXP
- support for N8LP's rotor
. V 3.2.5
- FT-1000MPMKII : smooth
tuning implemented (may work with recent FT-1000MP)
- IC-821 IC-910 : Fixes
and updates in SAT mode
- IC-756/PRO/PRO2 IC-821/910
: SUB button (Monitoring)
. V 3.2.4
- Printing the log : options
for Margin and Font
- Prefix database updated
for Ducie Island (VP6D)
- Satellite : support
for a transverter (down/up converter for ... Phase 3D)
- Kenwood : bargraph for
- Disabling the dual control
(updated for Kenwood and ICOM)
. 03/17/2002
- Latest version of Prefix.mdb
including Ducie Island (VP6D)
. V 3.2.2
- Spanish translation
- Fix for the Kenwood's
internal keyers (TS-2000/870/570 & K2)
- Extended support for
the Elecraft K2 transceiver
. V 3.2.1
- SW Listening : Print
- SAT Interface : running
two ICOMs on one com port supported
- Rotator control : with
Yaesu and HyGain, the program polls the rotator for its azimuth
- Support for the GoList QSL
Manager database
- Various fixes
. V 3.2.0
- TS-2000 : Internal TNC
and PCT mode (Packet cluster data) are supported, Sub receiver
- Support for Elecraft
K2, IC-746PRO, IC-7400
- Satellite interface
with Nova,
and Satscape
- Prositel rotator supported
V 3.1.4 [+2.7.1]
- Log Import : TRLog (Ascii)
files supported
- Auto-mode : switching
the mode from the rig now possible while auto-mode ON [+2.7.0]
- Remote : Dual function
- Telnet : Host field
accepts addresses in the format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:yyy where yyy
is the port number [+2.7.0]
V 3.1.2 [+2.7.0]
- Remote
control fully updated, auto-information mode,
CW supported, LPT Port control
- FT-1000MP
& BandScope : sub VFO supported [+2.7.0]
- Various
fixes [+2.7.0]
V 3.1.1 [+2.6.9]
Labels printing : page by page printing [+2.6.9]
- Support
for IC-756PRO2, IC-910
Remote : Settings moved to Preferences/Remote
Password, Power control
- Shift
option for TRX-Synchro + FT-814/FT-847 [+2.6.9]
- Preferences/Transceiver
: Options for Power, Tuner, Linear for each
band (if available) [+2.6.9]
- Propagation
predictor does not work in december (fixed)
V 3.1.0 [+2.6.8]
Labels : TNX QSL or PSE QSL option [+2.6.8]
- Link
with DXTelnet
- Sound
announce for a New ONE (Preferences/WAV) [+2.6.8]
- Programmable
Band Decoder
- TS-570/870
: more controls (Levels window)
- TS-570/870/2000
: CW Interface may key the rig via CAT
- CW Interface
: Keying has been improved [+2.6.8]
Interface : Parallel
port supported
- TRX-Synchro
now supports Kenwood transceivers [+2.6.8]
- Various
fixes [+2.6.8]
3.0.2 [+2.6.7]
- Monitoring
: Auto Mode is an option (Preferences/Transceiver/Band
Plan) [+2.6.7]
- Interface
with DX
- Various
updates of Prefix.mdb [+2.6.7]
- Preferences/Transceiver
: selection of either 455 KHz AND/OR 8/9 MHz
filters now possible (FT-1000MP, TS-450/690/850/950) [+2.6.7]
- Web
& DX Clusters windows : context button for
direct logging
- Terminal
(File upload) : fix for files > 1 K [+2.6.7]
3.0.1 [+2.6.6]
- Web
Cluster : change of the POST method for DXSummit
+ bug fixed (Error 67) [+2.6.6]
: fix related to VFO selection [+2.6.6]
- Minor
fixes for TS-2000
- CD-Rom
: fix of the Copy function [+2.6.6]
- Interface
for WinRotor
Module : Crash with non US Call (fixed) [+
- Memory
Channels : support for FTBasic's
file format
- Labels
: Landscape/Portrait option available
: Tools/Levels window available with some controls
database : shows all records found (FCC_Call.exe
also updated)
- Spots
: filtering by mode now possible (see Preferences/Terminal
- Logbook
: F12 key saves the QSO
: fix of the CNTY (County) sequence
- Various
fixes : Explorer (gridsquare), DCU-1 (rotor),
Memory channel files
- Explorer
(Logbook) : Print to File option
- TS-570/870
: support for Ant Tuner
- LogBook
(fix) : Log older than V2.5 can not save a QSO
- Logbook
: \LOGData is now the default folder
Database callsign look-up
- TS-570/870/850/950
(change) : Levels moved to the Tools/Levels
- Logbook
: additional fields for Operator and Power
- Importing
: LogPlus supported
: bi-directional communication
- Remote
: Control of AF level (570/870/746/756PRO)
: Selection of filters fixed
- FT-847
: DCS Code supported, CAT ON at startup
- Awards
: QSL_Sent = I ignores the QSO
V 2.5.2
- QSL Labels
printing : a selection of the QSOs is possible
- Searching
a QSO : a selection by Band or Mode is possible
- Monitoring
: Displays A=B B=A or A=M according to the VFO
- Prefix database
: TX added for FK/CH
- Preferences
: divided into two parts (to solve a lack of memory
on some PCs)
- Monitoring
(fix) : KEY button staying grayed out when PTT set
- Web Cluster
compatible with Asia Web Cluster
- Prefix database
updated especially for the Russian callsigns (+
provisional DXCC codes for 4W and FK/CH)
- LogBook's
Explorer (Tree view) and support for other awards
- LogBook
(changes) : design, context menu to check in received
QSL Card
- QSL Labels
: Callsign may be printed in red (option)
- DXCC Windows
: shows azimuth FROM the station
- Logbook
: new field EMail
- Quick EMailer
- TRX Remote
control : automatic notification of the IP Address
via EMail
- S-Meter
: fix of value in µV above 30 MHz
- TRX-Meter
(High precision S-Meter)
- FT-1000MP
: fix for Reverse modes (incorrectly supported)
- HyGain DCU-1
rotors supported
- DX-Spots
: configurable icon (Needed for Mode or Band) under
- CW Interface
(Setup) : Dash and Space adjustment factors
- SW database
: Delete button, SWLToDBF (fix) : automatically
deletes invalid entries
- FT-920 (addition)
: some commands of the internal electronic keyer
(Tools/Int. Keyer)
- FT-1000MP
: EDSP's preferences moved to Tools/EDSP/Defaults
- DX-Spots
: manual filtering by band is possible (Preferences
under Terminal)
- QSL (fix)
: Band is printed if the frequency is not specified
- NCDXF Beacons
: wrong frequency on 10 m
- Commands
panel : scanning range fixed
: improved support
- DX Map :
Shows NCDXF/IARU beacons
- Telnet terminal,
remote control via Telnet
- Quick memories
window : history list
- Preferences
: up to five custom buttons
- Exporting
the log : the CSV format (Excel delimited text format)
is supported
- QSO Before
: QSOs sorted by descending dates
- Prefix database
: KA (Inversion between USA and Japan), KC6 (Inversion
between USA and Caroline)
- RA Callbook
: Grid Square is calculated using the Latitude and
Longitude of the station, improved support for the
international database
- CD-Rom :
Preferences for the fields to transfer
- ADIF Import
: fix for the US states
- New Windows
- Support
for IC-718
- DDBase III
to SWL conversion utility (support for the SWBC
schedules subscription service)
- New icons
- Fixes for
- Scanning
(Stop) : the scanning resumes when the signal drops
- VUCC (Grid
square) award summary
- Logbook
: SAT band has been added, advanced searches and
reports using SQL
- Preference
for CW Reverse
- GridSquare
award report : fix
- Support
for FT-747, DX-77, TS-680
- Logbook
: inversion between CD-Rom and Previous QSO searches
- the program searches for the most recently entered
information - 59(9) by default for rstS has been
added to the Preferences (under Logbook)
- DXCC window
: responding to 4 digits gridsquare, reporting if
the gridsquare has been worked/confirmed before
- ILG radio
database conversion utility- DXLog and EasyLog conversion
- CW Sequencer,
extended macros, automatic switching into TX
- TX Interrupt
function (and improved interface with VKE)
- Help with
- Scanning
: Stop option for immediate stop of the scanning
- Prefix database
update for VR6 VP6 T2 4W FK/CH : Prefix.zip
- US States
are exported to ADIF in upper case
- FT-767GX
: support for CTCSS
- Update for
the ILG Radio data files (pure Text)
- PTT switch
via RTS or DTR line
- New logging
mode (classic)
- Spanish
interface (by Arturo EA5AKT)
- Commands
panel : new XFC function (a must if you don't have
a dual receiver)
- SWL : support
- Support
for the EA4TX's ARSWin rotator interface
- Control
of two transceivers : fixes (faulty operation of
some modules after the transceiver has been switched)
- ICOM : updated
for the IC-756PRO
- TenTec :
updated for Omni VI and Omni VI+
- Internet
- CW Interface
- CD-Rom :
configurable path
- Support
for the FRG-9600
- updated
Screensaver and desktop's bitmap
2.2.6 :
- Kenwood
: bug fix (Auto mode)
- DXCC Window
: bug fix (for 6/2/0.7 m)
- new Display/Windows
2.2.5 :
- LogBook
: "Transceiver" type saved in "Operator"
field (see Preferences)
- Ability
to disable the RTS line (Setup)
- Commands
panel : Grabbing the VFO knob with the mouse
- Web Cluster
: new design
- optimization
of the use of the CPU
- SETUP for
two transceivers
- minimal
support for JST Transceivers
- New DXCC
Window (full DXCC status)
- updated
Prefix database for VP6 and VR6
- Preference
for Distances Km/Mi
- Personalised
menus (Office 2000 type)
- FT-1000MP's
EDSP : fix
- FT-920 QSX
: fix
- Terminal
: Ability to listen a node (PC11 Spot format)
- New
registration code and new distribution policy (CD
- Support
for the IC-R75
- ADIF Import
: Bug fixes + Error log file
- FT-100 improved
- Ability
to search for a QSO from the DX or Web-Cluster window
- The "QSO
before" function works from the log-book
- Ability
to clear the spot log
V2.0 :
- FT-Manager
is discontinued
- Support
for the ICOM transceivers
- Support
for the Kenwood transceivers
- Remote control
of a rig via packet
- Saving/Loading
the FT-847's configuration
- Reading
ILG Radio files
- new S-Meter
- Floating
and flat toolbars
- Sound Recorder
with 3 modes (Scanning, Programmable, manual)
- DX-Spot
with icon showing the DXCC status (QSL)
- Drag and
drop ability of frequency between windows
- Gray line
- Support
fort both Log-EQF V8 & V9 format
- Favourite
Web link (? menu)
- Support
for french DDFM and DPF awards
- Support
for the HAMCALL CD-Rom
- New - support
for QSLs labels printing
- New - support
for two rotors
- New - Repeater
Offset for each band
- Fix : Importing
a log via ADIF doesn't update the Country field
for "deleted"
- DXCC Summary
(see Help about deleted countries)
- Lock dial
function : now possible to lock one VFO and not
the other (very useful when trying to work a DX
in Split)
1.9.3 :
- Fix : in
some cases, clicking a dx-spot (Terminal & Web
Cluster) doesn't run (1.9.2)
- Fix : wrong
info from QRZ if callsign not found (logbook)
1.9.2 :
- Fix for
the W1GEE interface (Setup : check DTR)
- Resizable
DX Map
- Updated
prefix database (PREFIX.MDB)
1.9.0 :
- Supports
FT-757GXII - Yaesu/Kenpro rotors
- New commands
panel with animated knob and scanning functions
- Channels
window : new pop up menu (right click) with powerful
- SWL module
: automatic identification of stations interfaced
with monitoring
- Terminal
: Double click from receive window provides QSY,
Mail download... (see Terminal's Help)
- Terminal
: Now compatible with T.F NordLink EPROM (TNC3S...
see Setup)
- Logbook
: checks if the station has been worked before
- DX Map :
fully interfaced with other modules, indicates the
DX's location, sorting by band and time
- DXCC Info
window : information about Worked and Confirmed